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I am a dual US Italian citizen. My wife and I moved to Italy last …

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Richiesta di preventivo / informazione del 10/03/2022 da parte di Robert F. per Consulenza Fiscale a Roma, Lazio

I am a dual US Italian citizen. My wife and I moved to Italy last Sept and earned only XXX euros in Italy in XXXX and filed both US and Italian income taxes last year. In XXXX I will be in Italy more than XXX days and will earn about XX,XXX euros, some on a permanent Italian employee contract and some as a freelancer I have a house in the US and pay property tax there. I am renting an apartment in Rome under a X+X contract. As of this moment I have not made any IRA withdrawals in either XXXX or XXXX However, I am contemplating withdrawing some money from my US IRA in XXXX. If I stay in Italy more than XXX days in XXXX, will the IRA withdrawal be subject to Italian income tax? If I choose to leave Italy before the XXX day threshold in XXXX, will I therefore not be liable for that tax? Are there deductions or allowances for taxes paid in the U.S Thanks

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