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Hi! I am a young creative looking to go into film production. I'm interested …

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Richiesta di preventivo / informazione del 10/03/2022 da parte di Rut B. per Tenuta della Contabilità a Capriolo (Brescia), Lombardia

Hi! I am a young creative looking to go into film production. I'm interested in a professional familiar with the world of filmmaking, the fiscal aspects of a production house, funding and grants, and payroll for cast and crew I haven't yet registered the company, researching legal and fiscal options at the moment. Presently without a set budget, but building a business plan and looking into fund raising and investment options I would like to know starting prices, if any, for establishing a professional collaboration, and other general terms Thank you for reading my request. Looking forward to hearing from you all P.S.: everybody has to start from somewhere, and I know I'm starting from zero, but I believe in hard work and trust that a collaboration will be mutually beneficial I also know that, while I am business minded, a filmmaking venture carries financial risk. I'm not making unrealistic promises, I want to grow.

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